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Infusion, Inc.
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Business Requirements Analysis

A municipal government's Economic Development Commission received a State grant to develop a website for the purpose of promoting economic growth and development in the city. The municipality did not have the technical expertise to develop a set of requirements and the resulting Request For Proposal (RFP). In addition, any state-funded projects were required to be put out to bid to elicit responses from potential vendors. To compound matters, the grant was due to expire in several days and a vendor had to be under contract prior to its expiration for the City to receive the funding.


Infusion was contracted by the Commission to develop a set of requirements and write a Request For Proposal.  The turn-around time for the completion of the requirements document and RFP was less than three days to allow for online posting and vendor responses before the noted due date. After an accelerated stakeholder meeting and research on similar municipal websites were conducted, the RFP was completed by Infusion and turned over to the Commission for posting.

A qualified vendor was selected from the bids received and the website is currently under development.  With limited input or direction from the Commission, Infusion was able to develop the requirements and deliver a completed RFP within an extremely short timeframe.  As a result, the Commission was able to preserve its funding and will soon have a new website promoting its activities within the community.


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